Sunday 13 January 2013

I know it's a little old but it's still a useful list of tools and gubbins that this chap lists as his indispensable list for .NET development and general Windows shizzle:

Ultimate Developer and Power Tools for Windows

Saturday 12 January 2013

Installed Windows 8 on the HTPC at home. Went back to Windows 7 in the end. Why? In my opinion, it can't make up its mind as to whether it's a desktop or tablet OS.

Windows 8 and why it's a desktop disaster

Now, I'm not saying that it's a bad OS. It certainly looks very pretty and I'm sure on the Surface (no pun intended) that it's brilliant. However, MS need to really think about the desktop market and perhaps look to release an update that either allows user to choose between a desktop and tablet mode rather than forcing them to use both on any machine. Give us back our Start button!

Sunday 4 November 2012

It's Alive!

Now that I've said goodbye to my twenties as of yesterday, I decided that it was time to get myself a blog where I can talk about the wonderfully fascinating world of C# and my adventures within it!

Nuggets of wisdom and interest to follow soon...